Eva belle earplugs has special acoustic design which contains a breathing filter. This filter can prevent sound from entering ears while not getting tinnitus.
Eva belle earplugs provides excellent noise reduction. When you are staying in noisy evironment, Eve belle earplugs would be your hearing defender. and thanks to the breathing filter, you will not feel ringing or swelling pain in your ears.
Yes, conversation will be not be impacted. Eve belle earplugs have strong noise reduction performance on annoying high frequency noise, but for human voice which locates in lower frequencey section, it has very little impact.
Referring to the NRR measurement standards, it can dampen noise by 20dB. In our practical experiencing testing, with earplugs well fitting, it gentle or dampen the noise of most noise senarios to a safe or acceptable level.
Rock has better noise reduction performance and speical mechaical design for durable fitting. In general, Pop focouses on daily life use cases more while Rock could be used for extreme noisy cases such as motorbike riding, DJ etc.
How long is the warranty of my order? When begins? When ends?